Christy Hoel
Educational Sector
Vice President
Karey Lynch
Industrial Sector
Ian Rominger
At-Large Sector
Kristi Heath
Financial Sector
Board Member
Juanita Brace
Municipal Sector
Board Member
Allan Harris
Religious Sector
Board Member
Karey Lynch
Industrial Sector
Board Member
Shirley Schable
Agricultural Sector
Board Member
Matthew Waldrop
At-Large Sector
Board Member
Kate Watson
Legal Sector
Board Member
Lloyd Murphy
At-Large Sector
Current Grant Committee Members
The committee is a group of citizens from Douglas county that have volunteered to serve or have been appointed by the Chairman or BOD. All of them have experience in leadership roles from various organizations and/or other Board experience. They review each application and vote to approve or decline the application according to Foundation rules and Bylaws. Then the chairman will document the decision and submit the committee recommendation with the application to the Foundation BOD for final the final decision at each quarterly meeting.
Candidates are informed of the results immediately after each quarterly meeting.
Allan Harris (Chairman)
Lyn Kohlbecker
Kathryn Clapper
Iam Rominger
Shirley Schable
John Best
Paul Freebairn
Current Tuscola High School Senior Scholarships
The Foundation annually oversees, administers and awards several college scholarships totaling over $10,000 to qualifying Tuscola High School seniors. Guidelines are in accordance with each scholarship’s criteria for eligibility by merit and need. Current board member Vice President, Kathryn Clapper oversees the process working closely with the High School’s administration and personnel.
Current scholarships awarded include:
Tuscola Community Foundation
Cletcher-Wessale Memorial
Doug McCumber Family
Dr. Dana Mattix Memorial
Harley & Doris Helm Memorial
Harriet Bell Memorial
Ray Wulliman Memorial
Rutan Family Memorial
Tommy K. Martin Memorial
Tuscola Educational Foundation Fund
The Foundation’s scholarships are awarded each year at the Honors Day Convocation at Tuscola Community High School.
Past Board Members
Listed Alphabetically
Phil Beachy
Ann Beck
John Best
Jason Braaten
Mike Carroll
Kathryn Clapper
Kris Clodfelder
Mike Dalmer
Linda Damler
Tim Fedrigon
Marilyn Hancock
Susie Harbaugh
Terri Haas
William Hill
Drew Hoel
Duff Hoel
Chuck Holmes
Tracy Hornaday
Patty Johansen
Dan Kleiss
Colleen Lehman
Bill McCarty
Doug McCumber
Emerson Moore
Kathy Rhodes
Father Joe Ring
Reverend Ken Roedder
Alan Shoemaker
Michael Smith
Joy Stenger
Patti Waters
John Watson
Mary Wetzel
Matthew Williams
Bruce Wood
Scott Zorn