Through the generous contributions from residents and businesses of our community, the Tuscola Community Foundation has over $2M in both unrestricted and restricted funds available.
Unrestricted Funds
When donors make no stipulations about how their financial donations are to be used, their gift goes into one of the Foundation’s unrestricted funds. Unrestricted funds may be used by the Foundation to support a grant, or a charitable contribution to an agency. The following list shows just a few of the agencies that the Foundation has supported through its unrestricted funds.
SAM Food Pantry
Tuscola Community Unit School District #301
Douglas County Health Department
Restricted Funds
In some cases, donors may have a specific program or place where they would like their donation to go. And the Foundation is set up to honor these requests. When a gift has a specified use by the donor, it goes into a restricted fund and is allocated only for the purpose intended by the donor. The following is a list of the Foundation’s Restricted Funds.
Restricted Funds for Scholarships
Tuscola Community Foundation Fund
Ray Wulliman Scholarship Fund
Dr. Dana Mattix Memorial Scholarship Fund
Tuscola Educational Foundation Fund
Tommy K. Martin Scholarship Fund
Lenore Cletcher-Wessale Trust Fund
Rutan Family Memorial Scholarship Fund
Harley and Doris Helm Memorial Scholarship Fund
TCF/Doug McCumber Family Scholarship Fund
TCF/Harriett J. Bell Memorial Scholarship
Restricted Funds for Senior Citizens
George J.A. Meister Fund
Other Restricted Funds
Robert C. Nunn Memorial Scout Building Fund
William F. & Carol C. McCarty Fund
Miss Tuscola Scholarship Fund
Learn more about our funds!
Invest in our community’s future.
Simply put, we are better together. Our mission of investing into Tuscola is made possible by the generous donations from community residents and businesses. From making a one-time donation to becoming a foundation member, we offer a variety of ways to achieve your charitable goals.