Our grants are made possible by the generous gifts of members and businesses of Tuscola. With the financial resources they have provided, we have able to make our community a better place for everyone. From new tents to our Tuscola Boy Scouts, food and supplies to Social Action Ministry (SAM) Food Pantry, a speech program at Tuscola Schools, and more, we are
committed to ensuring that all the resources we have been given are used to support our community.
Agencies, individuals, and public service programs seeking funding may apply through the Foundation’s Grant Application Process. These applications are reviewed by a special committee of the Foundation. Applications that meet the Foundation’s objectives of advancing the education, health and human services, scientific research, or religious and youth activities in the community are then awarded at one of the Foundation’s quarterly meetings. If you believe that your agency or service provider would be eligible for such a grant, please don’t hesitate to contact a Board member. We can walk you through the application process step-by-step!
Recipients of Grants from the Foundation
The Tuscola Public Library
Douglas County Crime Stoppers
The Tuscola Christmas Bureau
Actors Rural Theatre Co.
ERBA Head Start
Tuscola Community High School
Prairieland Pride Playground
North Ward Breakfast Program
Mid-Illinois Senior Services
Can Do For Classrooms
Douglas County Peace Meal Programs
Tuscola First Christian Church
Social Action Ministry (SAM) Food Pantry
Tuscola School District #301
Douglas County Dial-A-Ride Program
Cunningham Children’s Home
Arcola Food Pantry (Douglas County Residents)
Douglas County Health Department
RISE Behavioral Health & Wellness
Champaign County Regional Planning Commission Family Services (Tuscola Branch)